Congratulations on the Oxford offer! This is a huge achievement, and something that people all around the world dream of. Well done for your hard work and your brilliance — you absolutely deserve it.

Take a moment to soak it all in — you’ve earned it! But as thrilling as this milestone is, it’s also the start of an exciting new chapter. There’s plenty to plan, prepare, and think about as you move forward, and we’re here to help you navigate the path ahead.
Celebrate the Oxford offer!
Whether or not you're still processing the magnitude of the offer, there's no doubt that this is a great achievement you should be very proud of. Reward yourself —take some time off any hard revision or work you might have scheduled, and plan a fun weekend to look forward to.
Whatever you do, make sure to mark the occasion; you'll remember this day for the rest of your life.
Do your research on Oxford
Get to know the University and the city itself. Oxford has countless ancient traditions, some shared with Cambridge, others entirely unique to the University. We've written a little about Oxford life, but here's a snapshot of a few of the most iconic Oxford traditions:
Matriculation: The first of many formal ceremonies, where new students officially become members of the university.
Subfusc: Affectionately called the penguin suit by students, sub-fusc consists of a black suit or skirt, a white shirt, and an academic gown for important exams, matriculation, and graduation.
Formal Hall: Usually held weekly, students attend formal dinners in academic gowns, often accompanied by Latin grace.
May Morning: On May 1st, Oxford students gather at 5AM at Magdalen Bridge to listen to the choir sing from the tower.
Annual balls: Not your typical university party, these extravagant, all-night parties feature themed dress, black-tie dress codes, fireworks and luxurious entertainment.
Examination carnations: Students wear a white carnation on their subfusc for their first exam, a pink carnation for any middle exams, and a red carnation for the last.
You also might like to familiarise yourself with the structure and system of the University. Oxford’s tutorial system and collegiate structure are unlike most universities, so research how teaching works and the roles colleges play in your academic and social life.
You can check out Oxford's huge array of student societies and clubs on the Union website. Whether you're interested in the prestigious and world-famous Oxford Union or simply Pottery Club, there's something for everyone.
Get a feel for the city and its landmarks, and visit if you can! There's nothing like strolling down the alleys dotted with coffeeshops yourself, and it really helps with visualising yourself there.
Do your research on your College
It's very true that each college has its own personality. Scavenge the internet and stalk the social media for info on the vibe, the music scene, the facilities, the financial grants that are often college-only, and the location.
Or you can take the easy way out and just read our honest thoughts on each college from our own Oxford days. Tried and true, we promise.
Think about logistics and finances
You won't have to make any big financial decisions (around accommodation, loans and tuition) until results day, but it's a good idea to think about the cost of studying in Oxford ahead of time.
Tuition Fees
UK students: £9,250 per year for most courses.
International students: Fees vary depending on the course, ranging from £29,500 to £50,500 annually.
College accommodation
Typically between £4,500–£7,500 per academic year (covers around 38 weeks).
This is where researching your college becomes essential, because accommodation costs can vary quite dramatically depending on whether you're going to a college that can afford to subsidize more.
Be careful when Googling the cost of living in Oxford (food, personal expenses etc); remember that you're only in the city for about 6 months of the year!
There's some funding available outside of the UK government's maintenance loan. Oxford has a particularly generous and well-distributed Crankstart scholarship of up to £6,090, if eligible.
Go to offer holder events
Offer holder events are a great way to get a taste of university life and meet your future classmates. Many colleges and departments host open days, webinars, or even in-person meetups for offer holders.
Oxford Open Days: The University-wide open days is a great option to get familiar with the place!
College Events: Colleges usually invite offer holders for tours, Q&A sessions, or virtual meetups. Check your College's site for links to these.
Subject Webinars: Keep an eye on departmental websites and their events pages for subject-specific events.
Study hard
Effectively all Oxford offers are conditional ones, so you'll have to get the grades. The offer is an incredible achievement, but you'll still need your required grades to get into that city of dreaming spires.
Our tutors are the best at what they do, so if you'd like an expert helping hand to secure that offer, feel free to get in touch with us!
Don't be afraid to ask for support
Lots of people think that the offer is the end of the road, but it's not. There's renewed pressure on your grades, there's logistics to consider, there's a certain sense of grief for your childhood hometown, especially if you'll be moving far away from home. Under the obvious relief, joy and celebration might well be a sliver of anxiety.
You're not the first to feel anxious about Oxford, but there's ways to manage that anxiety (and keep an eye out on our upcoming blogs for more on handling offer-holder anxiety). Reach out to your support system — whether that's your school counsellor, your family, other offer-holders, or your Avalon tutor — on how to handle the present and upcoming changes.
This is just the beginning
Getting an offer from Oxford is an incredible achievement – one that deserves celebration and a moment of pride. But it's also just the beginning of an exciting new chapter. From researching your college to preparing for your studies, every step you take now brings you closer to that first day under the dreaming spires. Take the time to plan, prepare, and enjoy the journey.
From the Avalon team to you: you've got this!